#Giselle Nimuba
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altairtalisman · 6 months ago
Random Info On Giselle
- Her MBTI is ISTJ-A
- She's ambidextrous and has no hand preference
- She sleeps for a maximum of five hours as her numerous wounds ache far too often for her to sleep comfortably
- She gets angry a lot more than she acts on, but chooses not to express it as contrary to how she appears, she would rather not start a physical fight if necessary
- She doesn't have a favourite season, but enjoys spending the Winter Festival with Berine
- Her parents are dead due to old age
- Her first name is because I couldn't get that name out of my mind. Her surname is based on the word 'nimbus' which means a large grey cloud, a reference to her lightning abilities
- Her signature song is Boats & Birds by Gregory and the Hawk
- She's usually at least 15 minutes early
- Beings assume that she had a mid-life crisis when she dyed her hair green, which she hates. This is false as she dyed her hair in Stella's favourite colour as she wants something to remember her by and frequently wonders if there was something else other than dyeing her hair that she could've done instead
- In a Real World AU, she's from Ireland
- In a Real World AU, she was 52 at death and was a travel blogger prior to saving Noah from being hit by a truck
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altairtalisman · 9 months ago
Giselle's Playlist
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altairtalisman · 9 months ago
Giselle's Design Notes
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Name in all capitals and double underlines above is the OC's surname
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altairtalisman · 9 months ago
Giselle's Bio
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"If only Stella was alive to see how far we've progressed..."
More details about Giselle is under the cut
Name: Giselle Nimuba
Age: 824
Height: 156 cm
Birthday: 21 Vierum 1040 (Laintayra)
Orientation: Cisgender Omnisexual Female
Pronouns: She/Her
Species: Dullahan (formerly elf)
Title: The Fifth Dullahan
Country of Birth: Balwirk
Likes: Pastries, her daughter (as a parent), Stella (in a romantic sense)
Dislikes: Being openly vulnerable, her parents, tea, green (the colour)
Hobbies: Travelling, cloud watching, stargazing, reading (especially heartwarming books about family)
Personality: Usually standoffish especially to those she's not close to, isn't so good with dealing with emotions (especially romantic ones) and tends to repress them. Also possesses terrible communication skills which is made worse by her standoffish nature. Despite all these traits, she actually tries her best to be considerate and cares a lot for other beings' well-beings regardless of her familiarity (unless it's someone she absolutely hates)
Style: Wears loose clothing, with sleeves rolled above the elbow to allow more movement when casting spells. Also wears a thick sleeveless coat with a red to blue gradient to obscure her lower half which comprises of shadows
Status: Dead (DOD: 31 Dia'ae 1864)
Abilities: Shadow manipulation, proficient with lightning magic
Background: As the only child born into the noble Nimuba house, Giselle was expected to marry and raise children in order to continue the lineage. She resisted this for over a century, and eventually was disowned by her parents when she turned 115. During this period, whispers of a radical group of elven researchers who sought ways to preserve life even after their heads had been severed from the neck surfaced and it intensified as the years went by
Initially, Giselle wasn't worried and dismissed it as mere rumours. However, the number of elves that went missing multiplied, which concerned her. What truly sealed the deal was that three nobles from the Ilagorta, Gráste and Domanra houses went missing while investigating this matter, implying that the rumours were much more sinister and real than what Giselle had expected
As such, she made plans to leave Balwirk in Alstas 1163. However before she could leave, she was captured and knocked out. She woke up later on a dissection table, with blood staining the walls around her and the elven researcher that loomed over her. Smiling, she proceeded to carve a number onto the back of Giselle's left hand before being restrained and locked in a room of her own. She immediately deduced that she was the fifth survivor of the experiment and that there was most definitely four others before her
After an unknown length of time passed, a heavily chained Hugh was shoved into the room she was in. When she asked him why was he so heavily restrained, Hugh explained that he didn't know why but he could feel himself extremely drained of magic. Giselle proceeded to ask him what magic was he born with, with the latter responding that he could use teleportation magic. The Fifth Dullahan then understood that the restraints they had was to prevent them from using their magic, which meant that the researchers really didn't want them to escape and shut their experiment down
Soon, Hywel and Danielle were locked in the room with them. After sharing the numbers carved onto the back of their hands as well as their observations of the room outside theirs, Giselle learnt that she had been locked inside for longer than she had thought and that the experiment had an extremely low success rate. Shortly after, they were freed as Addyson had used her sound magic to kill some of the researchers, giving her time to free the other survivors
Apart from Gerald, Cain, and Fiona, the remaining 13 survivors killed the rest of the researchers and ended the experiment. Despite their distaste towards the entire act, they kept the notes and studied it. Aileen was able to identify the flaws in the research notes, which cultivated in the alarmingly high mortality rate. Together with Eva, Hywel as well as Ilias' existing research on arcane magic, the trio was able to create a ritual that tapped onto Ratein's ley lines which made it safer to turn someone into a dullahan. Afterwards, they destroyed the original notes such that no one could ever attempt the cruel methods used to create dullahans again
Brianna and Danielle then pointed out that the very notion of turning someone into a dullahan was unthinkable, and sought to get an unanimous consensus that under no circumstances should the 16 turn others into dullahans unless the individual in question was prepared to bear the curse of being one. Giselle agreed, wanting to leave Balwirk as early as possible. Even so, she maintained contact with Berine and Brianna, only because she wanted to keep up to date with Balwirk's affairs
While travelling, Brianna had informed her that the Nimubas were spreading rumours about Giselle, chiding her bad behaviour and her lack of respect towards her elders in an attempt to save face. Annoyed, she decided to ruin her parents' reputations and have a one night stand with Hywel, who was annoyed with Balwirk's elven society in general and had Bianca. Afterwards, she went back to Balwirk to announce that she had a child with an unknown elf, effectively ruining her parents' reputations
With her daughter, Giselle travelled across Steruleang and did her best to raise Bianca. However as her daughter grew older, Giselle was asked about why she didn't look like the typical elves that they meet. Eventually, she caved and answered honestly, which included an explanation of what dullahans were. Bianca then expressed interest in becoming one, insisting for her mother to turn her into one. Not wanting her daughter to be immortal as she didn't want her to live a life of loneliness as the beings in her life age and pass, she refused
This caused them to argue frequently, with Bianca cutting off all contact with Giselle after a particularly violent argument in Itis 1405. Saddened but deciding to respect her wishes, Giselle continued her travels alone and eventually settled in Relnivon. She wondered if she had made the right decision settling down in Relnivon after witnessing first hand how the Unois Purge wiped out almost all of the dragons, but decided to stay regardless. In 1677, Finbar had visited her to find out more about Charles' secretive nature which led to a particularly violent exchange. Even so, Finbar's words had stuck with her and wondered if she things with Bianca could've been different if she didn't resonate with Charles and Berine more
After the purge, Noah had caught her eye with the uncomfortable way he interacted with the Relnivans despite standing at over 200 cm, which led her to suspect that he was a dragon in hiding. Even with this revelation, she knew better than to out a dragon trying to survive in the ruthless empire and left him alone. In 1744, she had a chance encounter with Stella at a rebel's meeting at an undisclosed location of Relnivon and immediately fell for her willingness to challenge to status quo
Giselle then struck a friendship with the human, who shared with her about someone matching Noah's description passing by her family's bakery and desired to get to know him better. Deciding to make her wish a reality, she monitored Noah's daily schedule and eventually set them up in 1751 by blocking off Noah's usual route which forced him to use the one where Stella usually distributed bread to the needy. This encounter eventually led to Noah and Stella falling in love with each other, something which Giselle didn't regret as while she also loved Stella, she didn't wish to burden the human with a partner that lived almost forever
In the 14 years of knowing Stella, Giselle had noticed that the prince was stalking her and wanted to do something about it. Stella told her not to, for the rebels didn't need any additional attention on them and that what the prince had towards her was merely a crush that would eventually fade once it was clear that she would spend the rest of her life with Noah. Trusting Stella, the Fifth Dullahan decided to not stalk the prince and merely note any concerning events happening in his life. Stella had also shared with her that she had revealed that she was involved in planning a rebellion to Noah as well as of Giselle's existence, something which Giselle didn't mind as Noah reminded her of Berine, both of which would take any secrets they know to their graves
In Alstas 1758, Stella announced that she would be marrying Noah on 29 Dia'ae that same year, with Giselle giving them their blessings despite still harbouring a crush on her. After being invited to their wedding, Stella then shared that the prince knew of Noah's heritage and even shared this information with her. This worried Giselle as Stella had informed him that she felt sorry for dragons, which meant that he would be wary that Stella was a possible rebel no matter how little proof he had
Giselle then spied on the prince, discovering a day before the wedding that he planned to hire an assassin to kill Stella on the day of her wedding. As she didn't have time to warn either Stella or Noah, she decided to take things into her own hands and killed the hired assassin. What she didn't know was that the prince was already tipped off that Giselle was spying on him and as such, kept the actual assassination plans hidden by using only telepathy to communicate with the necessary parties. She only learnt about her mistake when she arrived at the wedding location to see Noah being surrounded by a battalion and Stella dead
Unable to face Noah or the Gavells, she killed the prince on his birthday that same year before going into hiding for six years. During this time, she encountered a merchant who shared with her that centuries ago, they had sold a necklace to a man who had lost his son in an avalanche and his wife to suicide. Giselle wasn't interested and listened out of politeness, but her tune changed when the merchant shared that according to the Hirdiellese, the wife looked almost similar to Giselle apart from the height and hair colour. The Fifth Dullahan pressed the merchant for more information, the latter unable to do so because that was all they knew about the wife
Wanting to confirm her suspicions, she went to Hirdielle in hopes of finding someone who knew about the suicide. In Primna 1764, she had finally learnt that the wife who had committed suicide was indeed her daughter, and proceeded to cry over her regret in respecting her wishes following the fateful argument. Giselle had also learnt that her son-in-law was still alive despite being human, though she was warned by everyone to not approach him out of fears that he was somehow cursed and that he would be too overcome by grief when he saw how similar she looked to his wife
Giselle decided to ignore the Hirdiellese locals' advice and sought Salvatore out. Fortunately for her, he was extremely drunk and saw her as the ghost of her daughter. He then proceeded to ramble about how much he missed her, and that he wished that he could've done more to help what truly mattered. After passing out, Giselle decided to pursue what truly mattered to Stella and returned to Balwirk for Emmet and Addyson. She then persuaded Emmet to spearhead more violent rebellions, something which took her and Addyson eight years to succeed given his reluctance of incurring heavy losses
Giselle then sought out Berine, partially because the former knew that the Sixth Dullahan's spying skills are unrivalled amongst them, and partially because she wanted to learn about Berine more intimately, something which she attributed to the violent exchange she had with the late Thirteenth Dullahan years ago. Much to her surprise, Berine agreed without much persuasion, even going as far as to agree to start an unlabelled monogamous relationship with the Fifth Dullahan. Due to Emmet's influence, the rebel group expanded at a fast rate and was able to remain relatively hidden thanks to Addyson, who was creating destructive chaos within Relnivon to distract the key figures from learning about the actual number of rebels. While visiting the Aocite Cemetery in 1838, she had a chance encounter with Ríonach, who was visiting Brianna's grave then
Ríonach then offered the orphanage to host rebel meetings in, something with threw Giselle off as she didn't expect such an offer. Accepting it, the rebels were able to plan in a relatively safe location. Over the years, the rebels were able to unite East Balwirk, Crex, Lindow and Nantrax together but weren't enough to go against the empire's military. The turning point came in Dia'ae 1863 when Noah suddenly returned to Relnivon in his true form and caused mass destruction within the country
Due to the sight of a free wyvern openly rebelling against the empire, the dragon captives followed suit, which started a domino effect that led to the Relnivians to openly rebel against the empire. West Balwirk had also seized this window of opportunity to launch another rebellion against the empire, forcing the Unois Empire to divide its resources against three fronts. In order to advance, Emmet, Giselle, and Addyson entered Relnivon to provide the Relnivians with support, which meant working alongside Noah
In 31 Dia'ae 1864, Giselle and Noah were leading the rebels against the military per Ríonach's suggestion, though Giselle found it strange that she kept crying and apologising about it. However, due to the crumbling infrastructure around them and loud explosions heard across the country, Noah failed to notice a group of imperialists planning to shoot him with bullets loaded with explosives. Giselle did, and magnetised her neck cage such that all the shots directed towards her instead before using what little time she had before the bullets exploded to fatally electrify the imperialists
Smiling as the bullets exploded instantly after coming into contact with her neck cage, she thought about seeing Bianca once more in the afterlife...
Former Appearance:
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altairtalisman · 9 months ago
List Of Info About The Sixteen Dullahans
The First Dullahan
The Second Dullahan
The Third Dullahan
The Fourth Dullahan
The Fifth Dullahan
The Sixth Dullahan
The Seventh Dullahan
The Eighth Dullahan
The Ninth Dullahan
The Tenth Dullahan
The Eleventh Dullahan
The Twelfth Dullahan
The Thirteenth Dullahan
The Fourteenth Dullahan
The Fifteenth Dullahan
The Sixteenth Dullahan
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altairtalisman · 9 months ago
A Collection Of Info About Giselle Nimuba
Giselle's Bio
Design Notes
Giselle's Playlist
Random Info On Giselle
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altairtalisman · 7 months ago
Bianca's Bio
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"I'm sorry Sal, I'll be seeing them before you."
More details on Bianca is under the cut
Name: Bianca Rosso (née Nimuba)
Age: 228
Height: 162 cm
Birthday: 22 Tivere 1208
Orientation: Cisgender Demiromantic Pansexual Female
Pronouns: She/Her
Species: Elf
Country of Birth: Balwirk
Likes: Her family, open communication, festivals
Dislikes: Being alone, secrets, alcohol, smell of cigars
Hobbies: Needlework, playing the violin
Personality: Friendly with a bit of a determined streak, she's fairly popular within the Hirdiellese neighbourhood that she lives in. Unconsciously, she shares her poor ability to deal with emotions with Giselle and ironically doesn't have the best communication skills when that happens
Style: Short sleeved tops with self-modified skirts and durable boots, wears a golden sash around her waist to complement her usual attire. Is never seen without her choker and the blue cloth used to tie her hair
Status: Dead (DOD: 10 Tierna 1436)
Abilities: Naturally proficient with lightning magic
Background: Growing up without a permanent place to call home, Bianca was used to travelling with Giselle as she was able to learn a lot about different cultures across the Steruleang continent. Despite Giselle's standoffish nature, Bianca knew that her mother showed her love in her own way and never once complained about how she was raised. As she grew older however, Bianca noticed that Giselle appeared different from other elves and that she didn't fully resemble her moth either. Curious, she decided to ask her mother about it but Giselle avoided answering as long as she could
Bianca wasn't deterred and continuously asked Giselle about the fire blazing from her neck, eventually wearing her down by 1358 and received an honest answer about why she appeared different from other elves as well as an explanation on what dullahans were. Wanting to be just like the mother she admired, she expressed interest in becoming in a dullahan and insisted for her mother to turn her into one. She was devastated when her mother refused, and when she asked why not, Giselle simply replied that Bianca would regret it
For the first time in her life, Bianca found herself irritated by her mother's poor communication skills and frequently got into arguments with her over becoming a dullahan. Bianca thought that if she was open with her mother, her mother would respond in kind somewhat and they could come to an understanding. As such, she expressed that she wanted to become a dullahan so that she could be with her mother for as long as possible and that she didn't want her to feel alone for being a dullahan. However, Giselle refused to explain her thoughts on the matter and insisted that dullahans were a mistake to begin with
This resulted in particularly violent exchanges for decades which came to a head in Itis 1405, in which Bianca wounded Giselle's left eye and declaring that since she refused to turn her into a dullahan, it was akin to declaring that she no longer saw Bianca as her daughter and thus, Bianca cut off all contact with Giselle and left for Hirdielle. In Hirdielle, she had trouble unlocking her door to an old house she purchased for cheap and had to find a locksmith. Her neighbours then recommended Salvatore to her, which she sought out for her door issue. When Salvatore came over to help unlock her door, his cheerful demeanour was a far cry from her mother's which drew her in and led to her asking him out on a date
After a few dates, she realised that while he was indeed cheerful, the way he showed affection was similar to Giselle. Dearly missing her mother, she decided to propose to Salvatore and officially married on 2 Secuna 1405. Bianca had noticed that ever since she proposed, Salavatore had been showing much more affection than he usually did and when she asked him about it, he admitted that he knew something was on her mind and wanted to show that he would be there to support her. Feeling guilty, she couldn't bring herself to confess that part of why she proposed only after two months of knowing each other was that Salvatore reminded her of Giselle so much and fervently told herself that she had to love Salvatore as time went by as it was horrible of her to trap a human into marriage in less than three months of knowing each other
They were both overjoyed when Leonardo was born on 17 Dia'ae 1406, though Bianca worried if she would be a good mother ever since she knew that there was a chance that she was unconsciously toying with Salvatore's feelings, which remained true and even grew as months went by. While raising Leonardo, she learnt that Salvatore liked woodworking and the wooden items she had received from him as gifts was actually personally whittled by him. However, she was surprised to discover that Hirdielle didn't really sell whittling knives. She then learnt that woodworking was a highly secretive trade in Hirdielle and only those employed by the royal family had access to them. Recalling a conversation with her mother about how Balwirk's elven society was a mess mainly due to nobility, Bianca decided to go out of her way to obtain a whittling knife, eventually deciding that obtaining the resources needed to make one was far easier than buying one
With the help of her neighbour, who worked as a bladesmith and used to make whittling knives for the royal woodworkers, she managed to make a reliable whittling knife and was taught how to carve a message for Salvatore on the knife handle. Bianca, satisfied with the knife, decided to give it to her husband for his 30th birthday. She was overjoyed when Salvatore expressed delight towards the whittling knife and promised to use it to make many more wooden items for her and Leonardo whenever he was free. As Leonardo grew older and started travelling, she noticed that Salvatore took on lesser jobs and spent more time with her. Bianca decided to ask him about it as while she liked spending time with him, she also knew that Salvatore loved his job as a locksmith and didn't want him to feel pressured to spend time with her
Salvatore explained that as a human, his lifespan was a lot shorter than Bianca's and he wanted her to have as many memories as possible to look back on after he passed as he felt that words wouldn't do the time shared justice, and he didn't know how to paint his fondest moments with her. Salvatore also encouraged her to find someone else when he passed as he didn't want her to remain a widow out of obligation. Before Bianca could say anything, Salvatore then admitted that he knew right from the beginning that she initially married him only because he reminded her of someone she knew, but didn't say anything as he loved her. Bianca then noticed that Salvatore's hair was greyer and that he had wrinkles on his face, something which only happened to elves at least after they turned 600. She proceeded to ask him how did he realise only to learn that Salvatore had noticed based on the way she constantly looked at him during their dates prior to marriage
In disbelief that someone could love her despite knowing that they were being used, Bianca could only nod and both came to an unsaid agreement to not talk about this again. In 1429, Leonardo sent a letter to them about how he would stay in Lyuharrno longer than he had planned as he had met Alena and wanted to get to know her better. Salvatore then commented that it was sweet, with Bianca saying that he took after his father without explaining why. Three years later, Leonardo held his wedding in Hirdielle so that his parents could physically meet Alena. Bianca expressed her approval, wanting him to marry someone who genuinely loved him for who he was. This reminded her of her own relationship with Salvatore, and she wondered if she was projecting her relationship with her own husband to her son's which scared her. When her son announced that they would permanently live in Lyuharrno, Bianca privately opposed his decision as she felt that his marriage might turn out to be a reflection of hers. However, as Salvatore gave his blessings for him to do so, Bianca decided to go along with the decision and gave hers as well
Years passed, with Bianca and Salvatore receiving news of Nadia and Leonardo making masks in Lyuharrno for work. Neither of them expected to receive a letter from Alena that both Leonardo and Nadia had died in an avalanche. Bianca felt a sense of hollowness that she didn't understand, and could barely eat or sleep as a result. She wanted to confide in Salvatore about it, but upon seeing that Salvatore seemed relatively unaffected by the deaths, she came to the conclusion that humans were emotionally stronger than elves and didn't wish to burden him especially considering that he gave up a good portion of life to be with her
On the night of 10 Tierna 1436, she left the house without informing Salvatore and went to the beach to process her thoughts over a few bottles of alcohol that she bought on a whim on her way to the beach. The more she drank, the more she thought about how she would be alone once Salvatore had passed, and that Alena was most likely dead herself as she was unreachable ever since her son and granddaughter's deaths. As these thoughts consumed her, she started to cry and realised that Giselle was trying to protect her from living a life of loneliness, for being a dullahan meant that death was extremely hard to come by. She scoffed, realising that she was actually similar to Giselle much more than she would've wanted as in actual fact, she never really once shared with Salavatore about her life before Hirdielle despite being married for 30 years
Now completely drunk, she decided that being alone was the worst outcome she could ever experience and deeply regretted cutting off all ties with Giselle. She then waded into the sea until she was completely submerged, then casted the one lightning spell her mother had taught her decades ago. As her muscles tensed up, she could feel herself sinking and a sole apology for Salvatore fizzled within her drunken haze...
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